How To Reset 2fa On Binance,

How to reset 2FA on Binance?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a crucial safety feature that adds a layer of protection to the Binance cryptocurrency exchange account. However, situations might occur when you feel the need to reset 2FA settings.

In this guide, we are offering a helping hand for users to wish to reset the Two Factor Authentication. 

What are the reasons to reset 2FA

You may not be aware when the need arises to reset 2FA. So, here are a few of the reasons:-

  • Lost or Stolen Device: If the appliance that you utilized for the 2FA is lost, stolen, or no longer available, you should reset 2FA to deter unauthorized access to the Binance account.
  • New Phone: You bought a new device and wish to have account access to the new device, need to reset the 2FA.
  • Change in Authentication Mode: If you initially set up 2FA utilizing Google Authenticator and urge to change to a different authentication method, you may be required to reset the 2FA to configure to the new mode.
  • Forgot the 2FA Credentials: If in case you forget the 2FA credentials, like recovery codes, or input an incorrect verification code, essential to access the account, a reset might be the only manner to regain the account access.
  • Safety Concerns: If you suspect that the 2FA codes are hacked and someone has access to the Binance account, resetting 2FA is a cautious step to enrich security.
  • Recovery After Account Lockout: Occasionally, Binance might lock the account due to security concerns or any other reasons. In such cases, resetting 2FA might be an aspect of the account recovery procedure.

How do I reset my 2FA on Binance?

Before we move further with the steps involved in resetting 2FA, check that you can access the account, email and the gadget initially utilized for 2FA.

Following are the instructions that you are required to go through in order to change Two Factor Authentication at Binance:

  1. Log into the Binance Account

    First, open the preferred web browser and click to enter the Binance website or navigate through the app. Tap on the login tab using the User ID and Password.

  2. Click on Security Settings

    After logging in successfully, hover the mouse over the profile tab icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. Pick Security from the dropdown list.

  3. Disable 2FA

    Next, move to the section “Two-factor Authentication”, you can see the existing 2FA settings. Just tap on the “Disable” tab.

  4. Confirm the resetting of 2FA

    Binance will initiate you to confirm the 2FA reset. In order to proceed, you will be required to provide the verification code sent to the Email ID registered. After that tap on the “Submit” tab.

  5. Resetting 2FA

    1. Once you have confirmed the reset, you will be directed through setting up 2FA one more time. Binance offers two options: SMS Authentication or Google Authenticator. Decide on to select the one that suits you best.

    SMS Authentication:-
    A. If you pick SMS Authentication, mention the phone number and the verification code will be sent to the device. 
    B. Next, enter the verification code. Thus, SMS Authentication will be established.

    Google Authenticator:-
    A. If you select Google Authenticator, you will have to launch the Google Authenticator app on the mobile gadget if you have not yet.
    B. Click the app to open and scan the QR code shown on the Binance screen.
    C. Enter the verification code of 6 digits induced by the app to finalize the setup.

  6. Backup the Recovery Key

    After initiating 2FA, Binance will provide you with a recovery code. This code is important for recovering access to the account in case you lose the device or face authentication problems or 2FA not working. Ensure to store the code in a secure place.

  7. Check the New 2FA

    In order to ensure everything is working correctly, log out of the Binance account and again log in again. You should be prompted to enter the fresh TwoFactor Authentication code.

Wrapping Up:

You have now reset the 2FA on Binance successfully. The account is secured with an updated two-factor authentication method, delivering you enhanced protection while trading and managing the crypto coins. Keep in mind to secure the recovery code. If in case the system is not sending SMS or 2FA resetting is not working do not hang back to reach out to Binance help for assistance.

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